A Better Way To Get A Conduit CMBS Apartment Loan
CREFCOA provides conduit CMBS apartment loans through its proprietary online commercial real estate lending platform (CRELP). Through CRELP we are changing the way owners and investors obtain CMBS loans for multifamily properties. Unlock the full potential of your multifamily investment with a CMBS conduit multifamily loan that meets your individual needs and investment objectives with the most competitive rate and terms.
CREFCOA provides financing for apartment and multifamily properties through several platforms, Fannie Mae Multifamily and Freddie Mac Multifamily being the predominant platforms. Fannie and Freddie offer low rate, high leverage, interest only options with non-recourse provisions. But not every borrower or property is eligible for financing through Fannie or Freddie.
For borrowers looking for a non-agency option, conduit CMBS apartment loans are a great alternative. Like the agencies, CMBS loans are non-recourse, have interest only options, offer attractive rates and typically have no restrictions on cash out refinances.
Request a CMBS quote for your multifamily property, or visit the multifamily loan center to learn more about all of our apartment loan programs.
Conduit CMBS Apartment Loan Program Guidelines
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Why Choose CREFCOA
More Choices
Better Decisions
Unbeatable Rates
Unbeatable Terms
Ease and Convenience
Simplified Loan Process